What can you do to discourage badgers from digging up your garden?

In this article, we shall delve into the issue of badgers and how their activities may impact your garden. With a focus on badgers, we will offer practical advice on how to discourage these animals from digging up your lawns, thus keeping your gardens intact. We hope this information will be beneficial and help you maintain the beauty and integrity of your garden.

Understanding Badgers and Their Behaviour

The first step to preventing badger damage is understanding their behaviour and why they might be drawn to your garden. Badgers are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active during the night. They are omnivores and their diet consists of a variety of food, including earthworms, insects, fruits, and roots.

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Due to their dietary needs, badgers are always in search of food, and your garden may provide a rich source of it. They will dig holes and burrow through your lawn, causing substantial damage. But fear not, understanding a badger’s behaviour will help you formulate a strategy to keep them at bay.

Badgers have a strong sense of smell and they are attracted to the scent of food. Therefore, any compost heaps, fruits lying around, or even bird feeders can attract them to your garden. They are also proficient diggers and can easily dig under fences. Hence, it is essential to take these factors into account when devising strategies to deter badgers.

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Effective Fencing to Keep Badgers Away

Given that badgers are proficient diggers, the regular garden fence may not deter them. But don’t worry, we have a solution. A specially designed badger fence can help keep these animals out of your garden. This type of fence goes deep into the ground, making it difficult for badgers to dig underneath.

When installing a badger-friendly fence, it should be buried at least 1.5 meters into the ground. Additionally, it’s advisable to bend the bottom part of the fence outward, creating a sort of ‘skirt’. This will discourage the badgers from digging under the fence, as they usually dig down and forward.

Remember, it’s important to consider the local wildlife while installing these fences. The fence should not harm other animals or disrupt their natural habitat. Hence, strive for a balance between protecting your garden and respecting the environment.

Discouraging Badgers with Smells

While badgers are attracted to the smell of food, they are also repelled by certain scents. Therefore, using smells to discourage badgers from your garden can be an effective strategy. There are numerous products on the market designed to repel badgers. They usually contain scents that badgers find unpleasant.

Some effective smells for deterring badgers include citronella, pepper, and even human hair. Spraying these around your garden can help keep badgers away. However, remember to reapply these scents regularly, as they can easily be washed away by rain or fade over time.

The Role of Lighting in Badger Deterrence

Another strategy you can employ is the use of lighting. As mentioned earlier, badgers are nocturnal animals, meaning they prefer to move around in the dark. Hence, a well-lit garden can discourage badgers from entering.

You can strategically place lights around your garden, especially near potential food sources. The sudden burst of light when the badger enters the garden can frighten the animal away. However, be sensitive to your neighbours, as the lights may disrupt their sleep.

Seeking Professional Advice

If the above measures don’t succeed, or if the badger activity in your garden is particularly intense, you may need to seek advice from a professional wildlife control agency. They can provide further guidance and possibly assist in installing more sophisticated deterrents.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that badgers are protected species in many areas. Hence, causing harm to these animals can lead to penalties. Therefore, it’s essential to approach this issue with caution.

In conclusion, while badgers can cause significant damage to your garden, it is possible to discourage them by understanding their behaviour, installing effective fencing, using repellent smells, lighting up your garden, and seeking professional advice if necessary.

Natural Deterrent Methods

Natural deterrent methods can also play a crucial role in keeping badgers from digging your lawn. As mentioned earlier, badgers have a strong sense of smell and are drawn to potential food sources in your garden. They can be lured by fruits, bird feeders or compost heaps. Therefore, an efficient way of deterring them is by eliminating these attractive scents.

Ensure all your compost bins are securely covered, and consider investing in bird feeders that are not easily accessible to badgers. Collect fallen fruits promptly and dispose of them securely to reduce the food source available. These practices will discourage badgers from seeing your garden as a food destination.

Badger setts are underground burrow systems where badgers live. If you find one in your yard, consider seeking help from the Badger Trust or your local wildlife control agency. They can provide advice on how to deal with the sett and discourage badgers from settling in your property. Remember, badgers are protected, and causing harm to them or their setts can lead to prosecution.

Encouraging Badgers to Move On

Sometimes, the best strategy to keep badgers away from your garden is to encourage them to move on to another location. Providing a water source at the edge of your property, away from your garden, can lure badgers away. This is because badgers need to drink regularly and will often build their setts near a water source.

You can also plant dense shrubs or install hedges at the boundary of your garden. Badgers prefer open, easy-to-navigate spaces and may avoid areas with dense vegetation. The use of prickly plants like thorny bushes can add another deterrent layer.

However, it is important to remain sensitive to your yard’s local ecosystem. Your efforts to deter badgers should not disrupt the habitat of other local wildlife or cause them harm.


The battle against badgers digging up your garden can be frustrating, but with the right tactics, you can protect your lawn without causing harm to these animals. Understanding badger behavior and their needs is key. Remember, they are not in your garden to cause trouble, but in search of food and shelter.

By removing food sources, installing badger-proof fencing, using repellent smells, and thoughtful garden planning, you can discourage badgers from making your yard their home. And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals.

Remember, your garden is not just your dreams and hard work but also part of a broader ecosystem. Striking a balance between maintaining your garden and respecting that ecosystem is the real secret to coexisting peacefully with all wildlife, including badgers.


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